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Reading Goals

This summer, I worked through a few books. I would have liked it to be more, but you know…life. I finished reading Truly Madly Guilty (TMG) from this previous post. I love Liane Moriarty’s books and the adaptation of Big Little Lies on HBO, but TMG was not my favorite. I had trouble staying focused for some reason on the storyline and even though there was bait at the end of the chapters to continue reading, I found myself wanting to skip ahead. This is not a negative review in any way, but I would define it as a neutral view compared to how I felt reading some of her other novels.

Not featured here is another book I listened to on Audible from a kick-butt female entrepreneur by the name of Denise Duffield-Thomas. I love her message and I have listened to several of her books on Audible, including the most recent release called Chillpreneur. If you are an entrepreneur wanting to create a more relaxed mindset around your business, I highly recommend this book. And further, I loved listening to it on Audible because Denise reads the words and I think in a book like this it is so important to hear the passion of the author’s story and message through their voice.

I have a list of podcasts and Audible books piling up on my phone to listen to while driving. To the point above, most of the Audible books I choose are non-fiction, self-help, autobiographical, memoirs, etc. so that I can really feel the message of the book. Plus, I prefer to listen to these types of books similar to a lecture and read in print (or on a kindle) a page turning novel. Listening to a fictional novel hasn’t worked for me in the past, it’s just a personal preference.

Have you tried Audible? If not, feel free to give it a try by signing up for Audible through my link. Upon sign up, you’ll receive two free audiobooks to get your library of listening started!

Let’s dive in!


Wowzers, this was a memoir that I preferred to read because it was such a page turner for me (instead of listening). I won’t mention too much for those that have not read it because I don’t want there to be spoilers here. I felt so emotionally involved in Tara Westover’s storytelling. I was so concerned for her health, her wellbeing, and more. It’s easy to see from the outside while reading a story, like in a horror film you don’t want someone to walk upstairs and you are yelling at the TV not to go upstairs because there is something ominous waiting for them. Who else is with me? I can’t watch scary movies…I get really stressed out.

But in reality, it’s easy to have a bird’s eye view from the outside and after the event when you are not involved. How difficult every decision she made must have been and continues to be knowing there are different sides told of the events. It was interesting to read, very thought provoking and one of the things I enjoyed most was that she disclosed that her memories were different than other family members or friends. Have you ever been involved in an activity for learning group purposes where they show you a video (don’t tell you ahead of time what you are doing) and then after the video, everyone has to write down and share what they saw. What did you see or experience? I bet it was different for every single person. A series on Showtime called The Affair explores a storytelling method like that. I find it fascinating to hear and see everyone’s perspective, the point being that an experience is different for everyone. What impacts one or triggers a memory doesn’t always for others. This is a definite recommended read!

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This was a highly anticipated book for me. I hesitated to read it because so many others that I knew read it and set high expectations, I was afraid of being disappointed. It took me a few chapters to get into the story of the characters and who they were. Once I did, I couldn’t put the book down. The story hops between the past and the current time of the book. Honestly, the urgency to continue reading had a lot to do with learning more about the current time of the book, I wanted answers. If you have not heard, it’s a murder mystery set in the outer banks of North Carolina.

Again, I don’t want to give a lot away for those that have not read it. But I will say I wasn’t sure how I felt about the ending. My mother-in-law and I discussed it and we shared some perspectives and ideas. She told me one viewpoint a friend had mentioned to her and it helped me make peace with how the book ended, it had to be that way. Another definite recommendation for a page-turning read!
Full disclosure, I am still reading this one so I can’t offer an overall opinion yet. However, I like what I’ve read so far and historical fiction is my favorite category. I like to learn about history through storytelling in a fictional novel. For me, it makes learning fun and really interesting. The way the book is written, I can picture each detail of the hotel in my mind. It helps that you can also view pictures of the Metropol hotel featured in the book to set the stage.

I’ll keep you posted on the book, but I find it very interesting so far. Quick side note – has anyone watched the series The Romanov’s on Amazon Prime? Curious to hear your thoughts on that since it would tie into this general category a bit.

Book Club Reading Buddies

Want to read along together? Please join me in my book choices! If you have already read them, feel free to let me know your thoughts but I kindly ask that you don’t post any spoilers. Shhh – let’s keep it a secret!

As I mentioned, I would love to hear what you are reading and what books you enjoyed. What did you read this summer? I am always all ears for new book suggestions that you just couldn’t put down, inspired you, taught you something about yourself or the world/history/culture. Let me know in the comments below!

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